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Wife swapping parties can either be events held at clubs or just a private party held by a couple who wants to invite a few swapping couples to their home for some fun.

We offer our members lots of different ways to promote or arrange a wife swapping parties and using the full features of our site will mean you will soon find local couples that would lime to attend your party - don't forget a party can be as small as 2 couples or more organised orgy event with multiple wife swop couples

  • Recent ads for wife swapping parties:

    • Access Members Ads - Click Here - we are holding a wife swapping party in essex on the 21st aug
      any wife swap couples are welcome to appll. bring your own drinks/condoms as its the first night there's no charge or anything. you can stay as long as you like so bring sleeping stuff if you wish to stay overnight. if you would like an invite all you have to do is mail us with your details - hope to see you all soon!
    • Access Members Ads - Click Here - fri 15th free house party near wellingborough
      we're hosting a FREE house party, venue has 3 bedrooms. We are looking for swapping couples only. We are not worried if you are new or old hands at parties, Age, size, colour not a problem. No dress code. You Don't have to play or do anything if you don't want too Just come along and meet new friends. Just bring yourselves and a bottle. If you are interested in coming, just give me a e-mail and I will put you on the guest list. The venue address and details will be sent out on the Wednesday afternoon/evening before.
    • Access Members Ads - Click Here - swappers pool party Sat 20th
      We have an outdoor pool which will be covered by a marquee, so topless or skinny dippings on the cards. we will also supply a BBQ but please bring your own drinks. we can cater for up to 15 couples, no singles sorry, but we would prefer non-smoking where possible. Please respect our neighbours by not running around outside in the nude but anything else inside goes!

Sign up & find a wife swap party near you now!

If you take up an invitation to a wife swapping party then make sure you contact the host beforehand to check up on any house rules, is it a themed party, do they want you to bring anything - food or drink, etc and how many other people are going. Not all parties are just for couples these days so ensure you are both completely happy with the set up before you go!

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